maanantai 23. joulukuuta 2013

Kirjat ovat aarteita!

 Minulle kirjat ovat aarteita. Siksi olin äärettömän onnellinen, kun Rauman freinetkoulun tämän vuoden teemaksi valikoitui kirjallisuus. Aloin pikkuhiljaa loppukesän aikana ostaa kirpputoreilta kirjoja. Jatkoin aarteidenmetsästystä marraskuuhun asti. Kriteerini olivat, että kirjat sopisivat koulumme oppilaille ja että yhden kirjan hinta ei saisi olla enempää kuin kolme euroa.

 Löysin tietokirjoja.
 Löysin nostalgisia kirjoja.
 Löysin klassikkokirjoja.
 Löysin kirjoja kirjasarjoja ahmiville.
 Löysin hauskoja kirjoja.
 Löysin hevoskirjoja.
Löysin nykykirjailijoiden kirjoittamia kirjoja. Nämä ostamani 51 kirjaa ovat joululahjani Rauman freinetkoulun lapsille. Toivottavasti niistä on tammikuusta lähtien paljon iloa. Minulle oli ilo etsiä ja löytää ne!
Terveisin Kati

The Amazing Elf

Taika from the 5th grade has written a story:

The Amazing Elf

It was a cold December morning. Father Christmas was coming to wake me up. He said that the toy factory wasn't working. I ran the fastest I could to the factory- Every single elf was panicing. I went straight to the factory's motor. -HA! I screamed. I know what's wrong!
There was an elf who was sleeping on the off-button. I moved the sleepy elf and turned the factory back on. Everything was working again. Now every elf was making toys again. -Thank you, said Father Christmas. -HO, HO, HO! I was so scared said Father Christmas a bit laughing.
I was going back to bed, but then I wanted to make some toys. -I haven't made toys for a long time, I said.
-Hey, come and make some teddy bears with me! said my old friend Mike. I went with Mike to make some teddy bears. Now it was time for lunch. After lunch I went to my room for a little ginger bread cookie. after the snack I went back to the factory to make some more toys. Few days later was christmas eve and Father Christmas said that now poor kids in Africa will have some teddy bears for christmas.
Why do you tell ME that? I asked. 
-You made them, silly. Said Father Christmas. -Ok, now I understand. Next day was christmas and we had a lovely day.
Merry christmas everyone!

Written by Taika, 5th grade

 The pics are from the 4th grade.